Thursday, September 28, 2006

Exclusive Zing WiFi Music Player Photos, Smaller than Stiletto

DEMO is a bust for hardware geeks, but we did catch a live Zing music player—you know that one that uses WiFi to download internet radio and Sirius. The nice lady showing it off told me that they weren't announcing anything right now, but gave us a little tour of the player, as well as a chance to see how it stacks up to the Sirius Stiletto, which looked just hulking next to the cute little Zing. Granted, Zing has no Sat receiver, but it did have... a really cool menu system that didn't take you out of your song playback screen. Come to think of it, it reminded me of OS X's dock. And the wheel wasn't touch based, but it seemed to work ok for a not-iPod.

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